January 31, 1948 (Dnepropetrovsk)
Positions and assignments
Associate Professor of Geodesy
member teaching commissions directly from NSU Bachelor 6.080101 Geodesy, Cartography and Land Management and specialty 7.08010103 Land Management and Cadastre
responsible for the organization of training in the specialty and industrial practices bachelor 6.080101 Geodesy, cartography and land management and production practices and undergraduate specialists 7.08010103 Land Management and Cadastre day and distance learning
Deputy general director of company "Heora"
Board member of the NGO "Dnipropetrovsk regional geodetic company»
49005, Ukraine, Dnipropetrovsk Ave. Marx, 19, com. 7/1112
+38 0562 46-90-21, +38 056 373-07-20
+38 056 373-37-47
Higher Education
Dnepropetrovsk Mining Institute (1965-1970 years)
qualification - mining engineer surveyor
Public and industry awards and honors
Diploma of the Ministry of Education and Science of Ukraine
Distinction "Miner's Glory" third degree
Diploma Dnipropetrovsk Oblast Main Department of Land Resources
Thanks Mayor
Honorary diplomas NSU
Thanks NSU Rector
Thanks dean construction
Field of professional and scientific interests
Construction of geodetic networks of cities
Geodetic work on certification of aerodromes Ukraine
Theory of errors and mathematical processing of the measurement results
The accuracy of the coordinates of the rotation angles and areas of land
Legal and procedural problems of land
(Over 50), including major over the past 5 years:
Ryabchiy VA Analysis of the content of legal acts of Ukraine regarding some terms and their interpretation / VA Ryabchiy, V. Ryabchiy, Y. Chomiak / / Engineering geodesy. - 2013. - Vol. 59. - S.
Ryabchiy VA Determination of the average squared error relative position angles of rotation boundary of land / VA Ryabchiy, V. Ryabchiy / / Recent advances in geodetic science and industry. - Collected works. - L., 2012. Vol. II (24). - S. 137-141.
Ryabchiy VA Allowable reconfiguration of land / VA Ryabchiy, V. Ryabchiy / / Scientific Bulletin of the Uzhgorod National University. Series geography, geodesy and nature.
Ryabchiy VA Interpretation of terms of land law in legal acts of Ukraine / VA Ryabchiy, V. Ryabchiy, Y. Chomiak / / Scientific Bulletin of the Uzhgorod National University. Series geography, geodesy and nature.
Ryabchiy VA Justification of the principle of least squares / VA Ryabchiy, V. Ryabchiy / / Recent advances in geodetic science and industry. - Collected works. - L., 2012. Vol. And (23). - P.104-107.
Ryabchiy VA Defining acceptable configuration changes land / V.A.Ryabchiy, V. Ryabchiy / / Engineering geodesy. - 2012. - Vol. 58. - S. 94-101.
Ryabchiy VA Problems restoring land boundaries / V.A.Ryabchiy, V. Ryabchiy / / Urban Planning and Territorial Planning: Scientific and technical collection. - K. KNUCA, 2012. - Vol. 45. - S.
Ryabchiy VA Structure and content of the cadastral plan / VA Ryabchiy, V. Ryabchiy., AM Vasilenko / / Bulletin of Surveying and Mapping. - 2011. - № 2 (71). - S. 33-37.
Ryabchiy VA Determination of allowable values mean square error calculation of the areas of land in different types of settlements / VA Ryabchiy, V. Ryabchiy., NV Tregub / / Geodesy, cartography and aerial photography. - 2011. - Vol. 75. - S. 157-167.
Ryabchiy VA Structure and content of the technical passport of land / VA Ryabchiy, V. Ryabchiy / / Bulletin of Surveying and Mapping. - 2011. - № 6 (75). - S. 37-41.
Ryabchiy VA Modern problems of land privatization households in urban areas and their solutions / VA Ryabchiy, V. Ryabchiy / / Scientific Bulletin NSU. - 2009. - № 12. - S. 36-40.
Ryabchiy VA Determination of acceptable changes in the area of land as a result of repeated geodetic measurements / VA Ryabchiy, V. Ryabchiy, NS Kashin / / Recent advances in geodetic science and industry: Collected Essays. - L., 2010. Vol. And (19). - S. 103-106.
Ryabchiy VA Proposals for verifying compliance with the actual boundary of land and its borders in accordance with public act of ownership / VA Ryabchiy, V. Ryabchiy, NS Kashin / / Engineering geodesy. - 2010. - Vol. 56. - S. 111-120.
Ryabchiy VA Setting accuracy of the acreage of land for small real estate / VA Ryabchiy, V. Ryabchiy., AE Yankina / / Recent advances in geodetic science and industry. - Collected works. - L., 2010. Vol. II (20). - S. 204-208.
Ryabchiy VA Problem joining the boundaries of adjacent parcels in the regular cadastral plan of the city / VA Ryabchiy, V. Ryabchiy / / Scientific Bulletin NSU. - 2009. - № 1. - S. 32-36.
Ryabchiy VA Set limits land small real estate / V.A.Ryabchiy, V. Ryabchiy, AE Yankina / / Engineering geodesy. - 2008. - Vol. 54. - S. 173-177.
including theses:
Ryabchyy VA Verify accordance faktycheskoy hranytsы plots and his hranytsы According hosudarstvennыm act with the right ownership / VA Ryabchyy, V. Ryabchyy / / Proceedings of VI Mezhdunarodnoy scientific conference "Management land ymuschestvennыmy relations", Penza, 27-28 November 2012 g - S. 157-159.
Ryabchiy VA Problems of interpretation of the term delineation of land / VA Ryabchiy, V. Ryabchiy, Y. Chomiak / / Proceedings of the VI International Scientific Conference "New technologies in geodesy, land surveying and environmental management", Uzhgorod, 24-27 October 2012 - S. 99-101.
Ryabchiy VA The content and components cadastral plan of land / VA Ryabchiy, V. Ryabchiy / / Proceedings of the VI International Scientific Conference "New technologies in geodesy, land surveying and environmental management", Uzhgorod, 24-27 October 2012 - S. 92-95.
Ryabchiy VA Modern problems of restoring land boundaries / VA Ryabchiy, V. Ryabchiy / / Sourcebook XVII Scientific and Technical Symposium "Geoinformation monitoring environment: GNSS and GIS-technology, Alushta, 10-15 September 2012 - S. 229-232.
Ryabchiy VA Analysis of the content and interpretation of certain terms in land law / VA Ryabchiy, V. Ryabchiy., Y. Chomiak / / Proceedings of the Third All-Ukrainian scientific-technical conference of students, postgraduates and young scientists "Science Spring 2012", Dnipropetrovsk, March 29, 2012 - S. 143-144.
Ryabchiy VA Analysis of the accreditation requirements of the teaching process / VA Ryabchiy, V. Ryabchiy / / Abstracts of the conference "Quality Management training in higher education by improving procedures for licensing, accreditation and ranking", Dnepropetrovsk, 15-16 March 2012 - S. 238-240.
Ryabchiy VA On the experience of training at the Department of Geodesy / V.A.Ryabchiy, V. Ryabchiy / / Abstracts of scientific conference "Staffing mining complex", Dnepropetrovsk, 12-13 May 2011 - S. 176-177.
Ryabchiy VA Practical training of future engineers, surveyors / VA Ryabchiy, V. Ryabchiy / / Abstracts of scientific conference "Staffing mining complex", Dnepropetrovsk, 12-13 May 2011 - S. 177.
Ryabchiy VA Ways to address the mismatch between the actual area of land with its technical data of the passport / VA Ryabchiy, V. Ryabchiy / / Proceedings of the Conference "New aspects of geodesy, land management and information technology", Kyiv, 10-13 May 2011 - S. 14-16.
Ryabchiy VA Analysis of the content and purpose of the cadastral plan / VA Ryabchiy, V. Ryabchiy, AL Boyko / / Proceedings of the X International Scientific and Technical Conference "AVIA-2011", Kyiv, 19-21 April 2011, Vol IV. - S. 28.24-28.30.
Ryabchiy VA Proposals to change the definition of permissible area of land as a result of repeated geodetic measurements / VA Ryabchiy, V. Ryabchiy / / Proceedings of the V International Scientific Conference "New technologies in geodesy, land surveying and environmental management", Uzhgorod, 28-30 October 2010 - S. 58 - 61.
Ryabchyy VA History of the department of National heodezyy Horn University / O. Bondaruk, VA Ryabchyy, V. Ryabchyy / / Proceedings of law International Forum "Heodezycheskoe education - History, Present and Future", Moscow, 25-26 May 2010 - C.
Ryabchyy VA National Mining University / O. Bondaruk, VA Ryabchyy, V. Ryabchyy / / Proceedings of law International Forum "Heodezycheskoe education - History, Present and Future", Moscow, 25-26 May 2010 - C.
Ryabchyy VA Problem Establishment Frontiers smezhnыh zemelnыh uchastkov when's privatization / VA Ryabchiy, V. Ryabchiy / / Proceedings V Mezhdunarodnoy scientific conference "Management land ymuschestvennыmy relations", Penza, 18-19 November 2009 - P. 175-178.
Educational work
(Over 10), including the main ones:
Ryabchiy VA Distance course "Fundamentals of the theory of distortion" of discipline "Cartography", developed on the platform Moodle / V.A.Ryabchiy, V. Ryabchiy, Y. Chomiak / D: National Mining University, 2012. - 64 p. http://dc.nmu.org.ua/moodle//course/category.php?id=28.
Ryabchiy VA Application of the theory korelatnoho way to align geodetic networks (neck Education of Ukraine) / VA Ryabchiy, V. Ryabchiy / D: National Mining University, 2009. - 218 p.
Ryabchiy VA Distance course "Fundamentals of the theory of distortion" of discipline "Cartography", developed on the platform Lotus Learning Space / V.A.Ryabchiy, V. Ryabchiy / D: National Mining University, 2008.
Ryabchiy VA Theory of measurement errors (neck Education of Ukraine) / V.A.Ryabchiy, V. Ryabchiy. / AD: National Mining University, 2006. - 166 p.
He lectures in various academic disciplines
Mathematical processing of the measurement results
Land surveying and designing
Workshop on the registration of land